13 Reasons Why Season 4 is currently underproduction and will soon pop-up on your screens. Recently, it has been announced that Gary Sinise is going to join the cast of the upcoming season.
As you know, it isn’t that long when Netflix dropped season three of thirteen reasons why. And now, people are desperately waiting for the fourth and final season of the spectacular teen mystery drama.
We have heard that season four of thirteen reasons why is going to welcome a new member named Dr. Robert Ellman. Gary Sinise will play the role of Dr. Robert. So, of what significance the role of Dr. Robert is?
As you are already familiar with the fact that 13 Reasons Why is a teen mystery drama which perfectly highlights the teen spoils including sexual assault, gun violence, complex and an urge for attention, bad past memories leading to suicide, and now murder. So, it won’t be surprising for you to know that Dr. Robert will enter 13 Reasons Why to pull out the characters from their traumas. Particularly, Dr. Robert will help out Clay to deal with the bad memories of his past concerning the suicide of Hannah, and overcome from all this chaos.
Certainly, the end of 13 Reasons Why will teach us some basic rules to deal with the mess of our life, and Doctor Robert will play a significant role in spreading such awareness.