Thursday, May 2, 2024

Keto Diet: How to get rid of Visceral fat with healthy diet and exercise

Visceral fat is harmful to a person’s health. So here doctors and dieticians revealed the most effective way to get rid of visceral fat. Visceral fat stores in many vital organs such as liver, lung, stomach, and intestines.

The upper limit of visceral fat also increases the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders such as diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The high saturated fat diet increases the level of visceral fat. So let’s talk about what you can do to get rid of visceral fat.

A healthy diet could be helpful to lose visceral fat. Keto diet, which is also called the ketogenic diet is a low carb and high-fat diet that could reduce visceral fat. In keto, diet energy gets from fat instead of carbs.

This process puts the body on a natural mechanism called ketosis. In a study, 29 overweight and obese adults were following a ketogenic diet to reduce the visceral fat (belly fat).

Moreover, all participants also ate 300 ore calories per day. So low carbs diet proved helpful for them to lose visceral fat.

Furthermore, in another study, 60 obese men and women used the ketogenic diet to remove belly fat. They reduce 10 % visceral fat with it.

So it is proved that to reduce belly fat or visceral fat, low carbs, and high protein diet encourage. It boosts up your metabolism that can lead to losing weight at the target area.

Furthermore, in a study, 23,876 adults showed that high protein intake leads to lower body mass index, good HDL cholesterol, and smaller waist circumference that shows low visceral fat.

Well, with a healthy diet, lots of exercise is an important thing to get rid of visceral fat.

Mostly aerobic exercises are recommended to remove belly fat. Besides, cardio, jogging, cycling, rowing, and swimming are also helpful. Many studies also show that people reduce visceral fat with just cardio exercises.


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