Saturday, May 4, 2024

How to understand if a woman is ready for marriage?

Many people around the globe struggle to find their life partners. It results from various reasons – from social tendencies to simple misfortune. But one of the main questions people are always discussing is marriage. We often think of the moment of proposal, what precedes it, how it happens, and what the couple feels. Popular culture reflects this moment variously, describing it in comedies, dramas, tragedies, and even horrors. So, as a consequence, we ask ourselves how to marry a beautiful woman or man. But the fundamental background question is often missed: are both partners ready for marriage? Below we will discuss the matter from the woman’s side.

Feel the difference

First, let’s define the distinctions between “I want to marry” VS “I’m ready for marriage”. The pieces of popular culture reflect the first statement the most often. Women want to marry because they:

  • feel safe with men;
  • want wealth but don’t want to work;
  • want to raise children;
  • don’t want to be alone or fear that they will never find the right person;
  • want to keep up with what their age demands;
  • don’t want to be the latest among their peers.

And many other reasons. But this motivation has nothing in common with being ready for marriage. Being ready to become a wife and mother means a woman has rethought her previous life and knows who she is in this world. It also means a lady realizes the role she wants to play in a family and the consequences such a behavior model brings. For example, if she’s ready to be the one who brings money, she realizes that it leads to taking the most responsibility for the financial issues a family can have, and thus, she takes the role of a head. If the situation is the opposite, it doesn’t mean a lady should sacrifice her ambitions and dreams, but she admits that it’s impossible to be good at household, children’s upbringing, and profession at once. Briefly, she knows the value of balance between all the activities and efforts her family members make. 

Possible behavior signs that indicate she is ready

If a man has serious intentions and looks for a woman to be his companion in life, he can pay attention to signs in her behavior that may indicate her readiness to become a wife. They include the following:

  • Not striving for competition. Usually, a woman ready for marriage does not compete with the surrounding men in work, force, or something to prove her ability compared to how men do this. If she participates, it’s for competition as entertainment. 
  • Acting wisely. To balance wishes, needs, and other matters, a woman should be some kind of a chess player. In other words, she should have a more or less strategic vision of the situation and act accordingly to provide for the well-being of her family.
  • Being a good hostess. It’s stereotypic, and many women argue with this statement, but sooner or later, every husband wants to come to a tidy, clean, and cozy home. Approaches vary in particular families, but this skill is fundamental. 
  • Being supportive. It means understanding how to motivate and support others by criticizing, praising, and sharing ideas. 

Disclaimer: these points do not necessarily mean readiness – they can be personality features or result from life experience.

Being ready for marriage is usually a criterion complicated to define and reveal. The abovementioned points refer to the features common to women who accept traditional family values. If you look for such ladies with a clear intention to create a family with solid relationships, go to Hundreds of Ukrainian ladies are waiting!

Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.

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