Saturday, April 27, 2024

Which Mixture is Closest to Breast Milk?

After the birth of a child, parents have not only pleasant worries but also many difficulties for which not everyone is prepared. The most difficult is the first year of a baby’s life. It is also worth noting that because of unfavorable environmental conditions and many other factors, young mothers are not always able to provide complete breastfeeding to their babies. Pediatricians advise storing breast milk to the last drop, but if this is not possible, you should choose a quality milk formula, as close as possible to the composition of the mother’s product such as HiPP UK 1

What food to choose for your baby

Before deciding on the choice of milk formula, consult your pediatrician, because it is he who can tell you what you need to pay attention to in each specific situation. Which milk formula has what content and ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, for instance, if a baby is underweight or undernourished, he or she needs a more nutritious and easily digestible formula. The doctor will point out certain ingredients in the milk formula if your child has food allergies, and will tell you about all aspects of artificial feeding.

If your baby is completely healthy, you can choose a formula based only on the age range. This information can be found on the package of the baby product.

Studies show that highly-adapted infant formula is of the highest quality and is as close in composition to breast milk as possible. They contain casein and whey proteins.

What ingredients must be present in the formula

Probiotics are microorganisms that form the correct intestinal flora of the baby. Bifidobacteria are especially important for babies, as they are the first to inhabit the baby’s intestines and prevent the development of colic.

Prebiotics (oligosaccharides) – components that are processed by the microflora of the lower intestine, support its growth and vitality.

Nucleotides – components of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA), which control the processes of reproduction, development, and metabolism and are contained in every cell of the living organism.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids (found in the form of linoleic and α-linolenic acids) – ensure the healthy development of the brain and all other organs, as well as visual acuity.

Maltodextrin – regulates the rate of absorption of milk formula, continues the feeling of satiety and the flow of energy – so you can slightly increase the interval between feedings of the baby.

L-carnitine or “growth vitamin” is involved in metabolism as a carrier of fatty acids into the mitochondria, where fats are converted into energy “fuel” for the body.

Choline belongs to the B vitamins and is involved in the development of the nervous system and is also a good hepatoprotection.

All the above-mentioned ingredients are present in Holle Formula and HiPP Formula, which are organic baby foods of European standard.

Holle Formula

Suitable for feeding a baby from birth and when switching from breastfeeding to mixed or artificial feeding. Products of this German manufacturer are easily assimilated by the baby’s organism and guarantee high quality of the product. The raw materials included in the mix are of organic origin and have the relevant EU certification.

HiPP formula

A special range of products for children with a particularly sensitive digestive system. Contains 100% natural organic ingredients, thanks to which it does not cause stomach discomfort or stool disturbances. Contains a set of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements necessary for the proper development of the baby from his first days of life. It has a natural milky taste, without a sour taste, so children like it very much.

Baby food peculiarities

It is better to switch from one formula to another gradually, over 3-6 days! It is necessary to increase the amount of a new formula at each feeding and decrease the amount of the previous one. The older your baby gets, the more nutritious the formula becomes, changing the protein composition and increasing the number of important minerals and vitamins, especially calcium and iron.

Every baby is unique, and their nutritional needs may change from day to day. Never force-feed or leave your baby hungry. If your baby smacks, it means he is not full. If the child occasionally burps, it may be better to feed him more often and in smaller portions.

Do not forget about the psychological factor and the relationship between mother and child. More often take the baby in your arms, hug, and cuddle. After all, it is a well-known fact that in your mother’s arms, the baby feels safe.

Not all formulas may be suitable for the baby, and it is not the milk substitutes themselves, but the individual reaction of the baby’s body to them. So, if the baby likes the new food, he eats with pleasure and steadily gains weight, he has no regurgitation or stool problems, rashes on the skin – it means that all is well, and it is the same formula.

Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.

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