Thursday, May 2, 2024

SmileDirectClub Invests in Customer Comfort, Convenience, and Results 

Through key investments and innovations, SmileDirectClub is on target to expand their reach and continue satisfying more customers. They’ve increased their international brand presence, gained new insurance partnerships, and improved their products all around – and it’s paying off. Their company is experiencing tremendous growth, and their customers are enjoying more comfort, convenience, and better results than ever before.

Expansion Brings At-Home Aligners to Everyone 

In order to make their products more accessible to everyone, SmileDirectClub has expanded their reach in a number of effective ways, such as:

Entering the International Market 

SmileDirectClub was founded in Nashville, Tennessee in 2014, offering 3D-printed clear aligners to people all across the United States. Just four years later, they launched their product in the Canadian market and set their sights on additional expansions.

Since then, they’ve made waves internationally by allowing people in the UK and Australia to buy their aligners as well. As they expand their reach, more and more people can think about straightening their teeth without having to make a huge investment.

Building New Storefronts 

When SmileDirectClub first rolled out their aligners, they only allowed their customers to use the in-home kit to create an impression. Soon after, they started opening their SmileShops where their customers can go for a scan instead of doing a basic impression.

Although the results are largely the same, this option makes it much faster and more convenient for their customers. And as they enter the international market, they are rolling out more of these SmileShops in the UK, Ireland, and many other locations.

Partnering with Dental Offices

Many people first learn that they may need braces with a visit to their dentist who refers them to an orthodontist to get the work done. Thanks to SmileDirectClub’s dental office partnerships, however, that’s all a thing of the past.

Instead, customers can now work directly with their dentist to get set up with the club and acquire their clear aligners. This makes the process much more affordable and approachable, improving the customer experience by leaps and bounds.

Through these advancements, the company is making their clear aligners easily accessible to people all around the world. It’s clear that as this company set their sights on expansion, they never lost sight of why they’re in this business: To help people straighten their teeth without the enormous expense or discomfort. Customers are responding favorably, showing just how much a convenient and affordable tooth straightening option was needed.

Insurance Partnerships Improve Convenience Across the Board 

Although SmileDirectClub was already accepted by insurance, the process was not exactly convenient for their customers. Instead of simply covering the aligners and services, insurance companies would have the customers make the payment in full, and then reimburse them.

To resolve that issue, SmileDirectClub started reaching out to insurance companies in hopes of partnering with a few key players. Their efforts paid off when MetLife Insurance accepted their offer.

Through that collaboration, more than 20 million people can sign up for their clear aligners without paying out of pocket first. While they may still have to cover a portion of the fees, depending on their insurance plan, this new arrangement makes it much more accessible for many customers.

New Tech Makes for a Better Experience All Around 

While expanding their reach and gaining key partnerships, the experts at SmileDirectClub haven’t neglected to focus on product development as well. Although their customers have largely had a positive experience with their original aligners, they knew that there was still room for improvement.

So, to best serve their customers, they elected to enact the following changes:

Improve the Fit 

To better improve the fit at the gum line, they’ve switched to using lasers to manufacture their trays. The lasers follow the exact measurements provided by the impressions or scan to create aligners that feel great. Customers find it easier to wear the aligners all day without them rubbing or otherwise making their gums sore.

Make Soft Aligners

The aligners are made out of a soft material that still retains its exact shape while worn all day. The comfortable fit improves treatment compliance, so customers can get their desired results fast. The soft material is easier on the gums, tooth enamel, and other oral structures to prevent soreness and damage as well.

Allow for Gradual Changes

As customers move through their set of aligners, they’ll experience gradual changes that align their teeth without all the extra pressure. The gradual process is still just as effective as before, but much more comfortable overall. Many customers celebrate how much better the process feels without having to compromise on getting excellent results.

With all these improvements, their customers have a much better treatment experience and see excellent results right on schedule.

Exclusive Benefits for Teenage Customers 

Beyond all that, they’ve greatly improved their support for all their customers and added exclusive benefits for teens. When teenagers sign up, they get all the services provided to adult customers plus a ton of freebies, like:

  • High-def video chats to resolve their concerns and answer all their questions
  • Aligner replacement if anything happens to one of the trays in their customized set
  • Ongoing correspondence with their parents to keep everyone on the same page

By adding on these extras, SmileDirectClub makes the entire process much more enjoyable for teens and their parents. All the savings they offer definitely help, too. When using their clear aligners instead of traditional braces, customers can save up to 60% overall, depending on the plan they select.

Great Things on the Horizon for SmileDirectClub 

Through all these advancements, SmileDirectClub has invested 100s of millions of dollars into their company. The result is a better customer experience, truly phenomenal tooth straightening results, and improved growth of their company. As they continue to innovate and improve upon their approach, the sky’s the limit when it comes to how much their company can grow.

Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.

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