HomeFeatureAmerican Horror Movie Trap 2024: Release Date, Plot, Cast, Trailer, and All...

American Horror Movie Trap 2024: Release Date, Plot, Cast, Trailer, and All You Know

Trap is an upcoming thriller film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, known for his masterful suspense and plot twists. The story centers around a notorious killer known as “The Butcher,” who attends a concert with his daughter. However, what initially seems like an ordinary event quickly unravels into a deadly game, as The Butcher realizes that the concert is a carefully orchestrated trap designed to capture him.

This intriguing premise has already stirred excitement among fans, who are eager to see how Shyamalan will bring his signature tension and surprises to the screen. As anticipation builds, details about the cast and the trailer are becoming hot topics of discussion, with audiences eagerly awaiting more information on what promises to be another captivating entry in Shyamalan’s filmography.

When is Trap set to be released?

Trap is a suspenseful thriller directed by the master of twists, M. Night Shyamalan. It was released in theaters on August 9, 2024.

What is the plot of Trap?

The film revolves around a seemingly ordinary father and daughter who attend a pop concert. However, as the night unfolds, they find themselves caught in a sinister trap, with their lives hanging in the balance. Shyamalan’s signature style promises a mind-bending plot with unexpected turns.

Who is in the cast of Trap?

Josh Hartnett as Cooper Adams

Josh Hartnett as Cooper Adams

Ariel Donoghue as Riley

Ariel Donoghue as Riley 1

Saleka Shyamalan as Lady Raven

Saleka Shyamalan as Lady Raven

Hayley Mills as Dr. Josephine Grant

Hayley Mills as Dr. Josephine Grant

Alison Pill as Rachel


Is there a trailer available for Trap?

Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.

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