HomeTV ShowsThe 10 Most Surprising Occurrences In Modern Family!

The 10 Most Surprising Occurrences In Modern Family!

Many memorable and compelling storylines have been Most Surprising Occurrences In Modern Family for fans of Modern Family fans. There is a broken-up picture on Modern Family of Haley giving birth and Haley, and Arvin speaking.

Although Modern Family is a sitcom with sweet family moments and funny jokes, some storylines regularly surprise fans. The characters occasionally make unexpected decisions that viewers would not expect to see. These plotlines are exciting because they make the show feel binge-worthy and compelling even after fans have seen each episode.

There are many shocking storylines in Modern Family, ranging from some of the main characters’ career choices to some of the significant changes in their personal and romantic lives.

Most Surprising Occurrences In Modern Family

1. Claire Takes Over Jay’s Closets Company

Most Surprising Occurrences In Modern Family

Claire and Jay’s scenes in Modern Family are always funny and touching because they are so similar in so many ways. When Jay announces his intention to retire and hand over control of his company to Claire, fans are taken aback because they never imagined Jay would ever stop working or hand over control of his company.

While Jay struggles to be completely hands-off and still checks in and consults, he does learn to trust Claire and recognize that she is now in charge of the show. Jay matures throughout this unexpected Modern Family storyline and learns to let go of things and relax.

2. Claire and Phil are no longer concerned regarding Alex at college

Most Surprising Occurrences In Modern Family

Claire and Phil visit Alex at college and explore that she is booming and content. and socializing while also doing well in school in the season 9 episode “The Long Goodbye.”

Another pleasant surprise on the show is Claire and Phil’s ability to stop worrying about their daughter. Although Phil is a more comfortable parent than Claire, both actors are concerned about how one‘s children will fare in high school. It’s terrific that they can see Alex’s maturity and immaturity.

3. Haley and Arvin’s Committed Relationship

Most Surprising Occurrences In Modern Family

Haley and Dylan’s Modern Family romance is endearing, and they are a good match in many ways. Because they are so dissimilar, Haley and Arvin’s connection is certainly unexpected. Arvin is a Caltech professor of astronomy who is logical, practical, and extremely serious. It appears that he and Haley’s relationship will not last because she is more fun-loving and casual than he is. Still, they care about each other, and their opposing personalities manage to work while they are together.

4. Manny Takes a Single Road Trip

Most Surprising Occurrences In Modern Family

Manny takes his time leaving on his first solo road trip at the earlier of Season 10 because he is Lil afraid of being alone. Fans would expect nothing less from the pleasant and bright, specifically assigned who values his relationship with his mother and other family members.

Manny is mature for a Modern Family child and going on the road trip alone and having a good time is unexpected but a positive growth experience.

5. Haley is expecting twins

Most Surprising Occurrences In Modern Family

When Haley learns she’s pregnant in season 10, it comes as a surprise to Modern Family viewers, and it’s even more surprising when she learns she’s having twins.

Haley is as surprised as the audience is by this major change in her life, and it’s fascinating to see this character realize that she’s ready to be a mother and that she’s excited to embark on this next life stage being mum with the person she admires.

6. Luke is running for Class Representative

Luke is running for Class Representative

Luke runs for class president in the season 8 episode “Taken by surprise,” which is a surprising Modern Family plotline. It’s even more surprising that Luke would be pitted against Manny, who is better suited for the part.

Luke has never shown much intention of working hard in school or participating in extracurricular activities. As a result, viewers are taken aback to see him putting in the attempt and wanting to be a more live member of his scholarly institution.

7. Jerry Bond, Jay and Dede’s husband

Jerry Bond, Jay and Dede's husband

While Dede can be a dislikable Modern Family persona at times, her death in the season is heartbreaking ten episodes.  Claire and Mitch burst  into tears as they watch “Good Grief.” Jay also has an adverse reaction by becoming obsessed with a sandwich that he wanted to eat but was missing from the fridge.

In a later episode, Gloria welcomes Dede’s husband, Jerry, over for soup. At the same time, Jay is initially resistant, but the two bonds when Jerry says that he always let Dede be right because he didn’t want to fight too much. It’s surprising to see Jay befriending a character he’s don’t ever liked before and even more shocking to see Jay thinking about how to be less persistent in his marriage.

8. Claire Resigns from The Organization in Season 11

Organization in Season 11

Claire is the most hardworking and enthusiastic Modern Family character. It means a lot to her to take over Jay’s company, and she simply wants to do her best. Claire shockingly quits the company in season 11 after realizing that work stress has taken over her life and that she wants peace, happiness, and balance. Claire taking time away from work is unexpected, but it’s great to see this character wanting to relax.

9. By the end of the series, Haley and Alex have found a friendship

Most Surprising Occurrences

In Modern Family, Haley and Alex traumatize each other in various situations. They appear to have nothing in common and no desire to be close from the beginning.

By the end of the series, the characters can openly admit that they love each other and have been there for each other on numerous occasions. When Haley tells Alex that she’s pregnant, Alex says that Haley takes care of her and Luke and will be a great parent.

10. Mitch appreciates having a chicken in his yard

Surprising Occurrences In Family

Cam wants a chicken in Season 10, fans believe he will enjoy it. Because it will allow him to reconnect with his roots as he grew up in the country. However, the couple surprises viewers because Cam despises it while Mitch enjoys it.

When Mitch and Cam have an open conversation about their feelings. Fans are reminded of how well the couple understands each other. And how they make an effort to talk about everything. Whether silly or serious or they have been the Most Surprising Occurrences In Modern Family.

Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.

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