M. Night Shyamalan is set to produce an intriguing new thriller titled Caddo Lake, previously known as The Vanishings at Caddo Lake, adding to the list of exciting upcoming horror movies. The official trailer for the film was released earlier this afternoon, giving fans a sneak peek into its chilling premise.
Be sure to watch the Caddo Lake trailer below, and keep reading for all the essential details you need to know about this upcoming release.
Directed and written by Celine Held and Logan George, known for their work on Topside, the film is produced for New Line Cinema.
The story follows the mysterious disappearance of an 8-year-old girl at Caddo Lake, which sets off a chain reaction linking past deaths and disappearances. This haunting series of events ultimately alters the history of a fractured family forever.
Shyamalan is producing Caddo Lake through his production company, Blinding Edge Pictures.
The inspiration for Caddo Lake emerged when filmmakers Celine Held and Logan George stumbled upon a photograph of the real Caddo Lake online. This discovery led them to make numerous visits to the enchanting cypress forest that lies along the Texas-Louisiana border. The film was shot in and around Karnak, Texas, during late 2021 and 2022.
Caddo Lake is both written and directed by Celine Held and Logan George, with M. Night Shyamalan, Ashwin Rajan, Kara Durrett, and Josh Godfrey serving as producers. The project’s executive producers include Kimberly Steward, Harrison Huffman, and Will Greenfield.
In a recent statement, Shyamalan expressed his excitement about discovering new storytelling talents through his show Servant. “Celine Held and Logan George are an exceptional writing and directing duo who directed two incredible episodes for us in season 3,” he said. “They are kind and dynamic genre storytellers who have crafted a film we believe will deeply resonate with audiences.”
What is the release date for Caddo Lake?
Caddo Lake is scheduled to be released on October 10, 2024. It will be available on the streaming platform MAX.
Who is in the cast of Caddo Lake?
The cast of Caddo Lake includes: