In collaboration with 13th Floor Productions and Wallick Productions, Cranked Up Films has officially released its feature-length horror anthology Tenants on all major VOD platforms.
This chilling horror film weaves together four interconnected tales of terror. Written and produced by Mary O’Neil—who also stars in the film—the anthology features segments directed by Buz Wallick (Psycho Storm Chaser), Sean Mesler (Show Us Responding), Jonathan Lewis (Sinister Surgeon), and Blake Reigle (One of Us). The production team also includes additional producers Jay Black, Bill Spadea, Douglas Vermeeren, Lewis, Mesler, and Wallick, who co-wrote several film segments.
Tenants follow the story of Jonie (played by Mary O’Neil), who wakes up in an unfamiliar apartment complex and embarks on a frantic search for her sister while being pursued by a mysterious shadowy figure.
As Jonie navigates the building, she encounters unimaginable horrors that befall the tenants surrounding her.
Watch an exclusive clip below, and check out the Red Band trailer underneath.
What is the release date for the new horror anthology Tenants?
The new horror anthology “Tenants” is set to release on September 24, 2024. You can find it available on major VOD platforms worldwide.