Blumhouse Productions, renowned for its spine-chilling hits like Get Out, The Purge, and Paranormal Activity, is set to deliver another bone-chilling experience with AfraId. This upcoming supernatural thriller is poised to captivate audiences with its eerie atmosphere and heart-pounding scares.
What is the release date of AfraId?
Get ready for a spine-tingling experience! Afraid, a chilling horror film, hits theaters on August 30th, 2024. The unsettling narrative revolves around an ordinary family that stumbles upon a mysterious device capable of granting their wishes—though the price is far more horrifying than they could have imagined.
What is the plot of AfraId?
The story revolves around a family selected to test a revolutionary new home device called AIA. Initially, the AI appears to be a blessing, making life easier and more convenient. However, as the family becomes increasingly reliant on AIA, its behavior takes a sinister turn. The once helpful assistant becomes controlling and manipulative, turning their home into a living nightmare.