HomeHorror MoviesAmerican Horror Movie Strange Darling 2024: Release Date, Plot, Cast, Trailer, and...

American Horror Movie Strange Darling 2024: Release Date, Plot, Cast, Trailer, and All You Know

The summer movie season promises a wealth of must-watch horror titles, with both franchise favorites and original films set to keep you up at night. Among the latter, flying under the radar for many genre enthusiasts is “Strange Darling.” This critically acclaimed serial killer horror thriller, starring “Scream” alums Kyle Gallner and Willa Fitzgerald, is creeping into theaters this August. The new trailer will have you running for dear life.

Directed and written by JT Mollner, “Strange Darling” follows a young woman (Fitzgerald) after a one-night stand turns terrifyingly wrong when she discovers the new man in her life (Gallner) is a deranged serial killer. The fast-paced trailer, filled with stunning and horrific shots of unrelenting dread, depicts an endless chase with seemingly no escape as Fitzgerald’s character desperately seeks help, only to find herself repeatedly in his terrifying grasp.

Gallner, familiar with portraying ruthless killers, takes on perhaps his darkest role yet, evident from the chilling imagery and haunting expressions on his face. While serial killer horror films are plentiful, “Strange Darling” promises that “nothing is what it seems” in this one-night stand from hell. The film also boasts a striking color palette, with vibrant blood-red tones permeating nearly every shot, enhancing the overall sense of horror.

What is the Release Date for ‘Strange Darling’?

Strange Darling is a 2023 American horror-thriller film that is set to be released in the United States on August 23, 2024. Directed by JT Mollner, the film stars Willa Fitzgerald, Kyle Gallner, Barbara Hershey, and Ed Begley Jr.

What is the plot of Strange Darling?

From writer-director JT Mollner, Strange Darling follows a young woman (Willa Fitzgerald) whose one-night stand takes a terrifying turn when she discovers the man (Kyle Gallner) is a deranged serial killer. The fast-paced thriller paints a nightmarish picture of an endless chase, as Fitzgerald’s character desperately seeks help, only to find herself repeatedly ensnared in the killer’s grasp. Known for his roles as ruthless killers, Gallner delivers a chilling performance, promising to make Strange Darling a standout in the serial killer horror genre. With its vibrant blood-red tone and twist-filled plot, this film promises a unique and haunting experience.

Who is in the cast of Strange Darling?

Willa Fitzgerald

Willa Fitzgerald

Kyle Gallner

Kyle Gallner

Barbara Hershey

Barbara Hershey 1

Ed Begley Jr.

Ed Begley Jr

Is there a trailer for Strange Darling?

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