Monday, May 6, 2024

Disney’s Artemis Fowl (2020), Have a Glimpse of the Sci-fi Film

Disney is all set to release the film version of one of the hit sci-fi novel series entitled “Artemis Fowl” on May 29, 2020.

Now, after almost two decades, we will have a film version of one of the best sci-fi adventure book based on the life of a 12-years old boy, Artemis Fowl. So, the little boy who’s cunningly smart enough to entangle the fairies into a grave-danger, and head on to find out his missing father, will surely robe your hearts.

Let’s figure more about the upcoming sci-fi adventure film of Disney titled same as the name of its anti-heroic protagonist, Artemis Fowl.

The Artemis Fowl follows the story of a boy who heads on a mission to find out his long lost father by hook or by crook. No doubt, the character of Artemis in the film occupies an anti-heroic identity. Anyhow, we will see how the little boy along with his faithful bodyguard cunningly and smartly abducting one of the fairies living beneath the Earth in the haven/fairyland.

Moreover, we will see a breath-taking battle between the boy, his bodyguard and the fairies from the underground haven amid the rescue of Artemis’ father from Russian Mafia.

We will also see a huge blast of highly advanced tech with charms of fairies in Artemis Fowl.

Surely, it will be something quite different from the rest of the sci-fi films as Artemis Fowl centers the focus on an anti-heroic figure who’s only 12 years old.

Let’s see how this smart boy will be able to trap down the fairies and rescue his lost long criminal father.

However, as per the novel version of Artemis Fowl, with the progression of the series, we will get to see an alliance between Artemis and fairies. So, let’s see how the makers will present this story element in the film.

Disney’s Artemis Fowl is currently underproduction and will hit hard the screens on May 29, 2020.


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