With the changing face of education in the whole world, the world is adapting various models of teaching and learning so that innovation can take place in traditional and boring education systems. Already few changes have made education very easy and accessible for each and every class of society like distance learning and online learning which has made education very easy to attain for everyone. Rapid advancements in every field have inspired the education sector to collaborate with technology in order to have fast growth. The Internet has played a great role in this process. The dynamic phase of online learning has changed the face of education from traditional and slow to innovative and fast. The most innovative way of teaching these days is Hybrid Learning, this process of learning is an education delivery system where in-class learning activities have collaborated with online learning. Collaboration of both types of learning reduces the gap of missing factors of both the types of the learning process and students enjoy this integration a lot.
In recent years it is seen that a big number of students are attracted towards higher education and universities, colleges and institutions have to prepare infrastructure also regarding that because those colleges who are providing more and technological facilities to make studies easy are getting the attention of students hence institutions started to integrate both the education system traditional and online and created hybrid learning system where students can enjoy both methods of learning. Hybrid Learning includes online exercises and pre-recorded video instruction, to support face-to-face classroom sessions. A better planning and strategy hybrid course integrates the best aspects of in-person and online learning and makes education more interesting and attainable.
Students usually can study from any education app like a classroom app. The Classroom app provides an ample amount of information and knowledge and hybrid learning adds more facilities to such studies. Most of the time students get confused between Hybrid Learning and Blended Learning and it is possible because in many aspects both are the same but still there is a slight difference between them. In Blended Learning students keep practicing on online exercises and watch the instructional videos later in their own time whereas in Hybrid Learning face-to-face interaction with tutors and online learning happen at the same time. So, let’s see the benefits of hybrid learning:
- The most interesting benefit of hybrid learning is flexibility. In this process, students get flexibility in their learning schedules and learning modes. Apart from that while studying students can communicate with their peer group as well as tutor and can get solutions to their doubts. Those students who cannot attend the class in person due to any compulsion can learn from home also due to the collaboration of online learning in it.
- As here traditional and online both types of education are integrated so students get the freedom to learn with any of them or with both of them. Students get various types of freedom here like they can learn from the location of their choice, with course material of their choice, and can revisit the study materials as many times as they want.
- Here students can plan their whole schedule of learning more efficiently as their students can prepare their schedule with help of various online resources and better study material available online as well as can get proper guidance also through the face-to-face medium from tutor regarding problem-solving issues of any topic or subject.
- Many things are understood when done physically but when a student uses all possible ways to attain the education then he collaborates online learning for proper research work and finds out up-to-date researched details regarding a certain topic and also discusses it with peer groups and tutors to enhance those details. So, this way he is able to use his overall abilities to understand and learn the given topic and subject.
Steps to create successful hybrid learning:
- The student should set his aim for the semester and how he has to study and learn till a decided benchmark.
- Now prepare a proper timetable, course material should be decided and the study place should properly organize.
- Make a decision what portion of that decided course material will be researched online & which will be discussed with the tutor.
Now once try this complete plan at least once whether you are able to cope up with or not, if not then make amendments and try again.