Wednesday, May 8, 2024

What Does an N99 Mask Do Against Air Pollution?

Living in a city with high air pollution levels can impact you in several ways. Each year, the number of people falling sick and suffering major health problems is increasing. In such a situation, we need to adapt our lifestyle to incorporate health and safety measures.

As we all know, masks have become a common household product mainly due to the pandemic. But, regardless of this, they can be useful to remain safe against the harmful consequences of air pollution. An N99 mask can consider a reliable product for this purpose. You may have heard about N95 and N99 masks a great deal over the past year.

But, not many of us may be aware of how it works. Considering the alarming air pollution levels, it is crucial to be familiar with them to protect yourself and your family appropriately. Hence, let’s take a closer look at how an N99 mask works against air pollution.

What is an N99 Mask?

The N99 mask is one of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approved particulate filtering facepiece respirators. As the name suggests, they are capable of filtering 99% of the particulate matter 2.5 from the air. Like the N95 mask, it has not designed to filter oil-based pollutants. But the N99 mask has a higher efficiency rate than N95.

There is an abundance of options available in the market today when you go to buy an N99 mask. Due to the increase in public demand for higher-quality masks, you can choose from a wide variety. It is also important to note that these are masks that generally use for specific occupations that involve a high exposure to pollutants.

Therefore, masks that can offer 95-99% filtration efficiency are sufficient for a person with regular usage. Nonetheless, it is vital to explore options from a trusted brand that offers technologically adept products.

For instance, the Airific 2.0 Anti-Pollution Mask by Nirvana Being has tested and proved to block more than 96% of airborne particles. If you are looking for a comfortable and lightweight mask that does not compromise quality, it could be the right one.

How Should You Wear an N99 Mask? 

Air pollution is quickly becoming the worst health nightmare demanding an urgent need for action. While it is challenging to manage the pollution levels since you might not have control over major contributing factors, nonetheless, you can protect yourself from harm.

How Should You Wear an N99 Mask

Wearing an N99 mask in a heavily polluted area can significantly reduce your exposure to several kinds of air pollutants. In the long run, developing the habit can protect you from possible medical problems. But, buying the right face mask is not as simple as you might think. The variety of options can get confusing, and you may end up with an unsatisfactory product.

So, let’s look at some key things to consider when you are buying a mask:

  • The filter of the N99 mask plays a critical role in its efficiency. It is also responsible for the life of the mask. Therefore, remember to check for the filtration efficiency that it offers.
  • One of the most common complaints about face masks is the discomfort faced by people wearing them. While it can take some time to get used to it. It should be the right fit for your face. Make sure that the mask goes comfortably you’re your mouth and face and is a snug fit. If there is a gap, the air will enter your body unfiltered, thus, defeating the purpose of the mask.
  • Another thing to consider is the breathability of the mask. Breathability and filtration efficiency may be on the opposite ends since filtration essentially means increased resistance. However, a good quality N99 mask will have a comfortable balance allowing you to breathe well.
  • There are reusable and washable masks that can be an environmentally-friendly choice. Additionally, washing a mask instead of replacing it each time it gets dirty is easier on the pocket.

When it is about your health and safety, precaution is always the better option. Depending on your lifestyle, environment, and occupation, the air pollutants may have varying effects on you. Therefore, understanding the kind of face mask that would best suit your requirements is necessary.

Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.

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