Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Why should businesses encourage exercise?

The NHS states that the human body requires at least 150 minutes of exercise every week to keep us healthy. However, when so much of our week is spent sitting at a desk, it can be hard to get motivated to exercise in our own time. With that in mind, it begs the question as to whether employers should be doing more to encourage this. 

The benefits of exercising are great for both employees and employers so should be incorporated into every business. Did you know that happier employees work harder? When we exercise, it releases endorphins. These are what makes our minds feel good. Positive energy will then be brought into work and employers will reap the benefits of it. 

Other benefits include improved health and mental wellbeing. This will reduce the number of sick days and absences from the office. It will also increase morale and team bonding when exercise is done with colleagues.

How can businesses encourage exercise?

Getting your employees to exercise is easy when you give them the right motivations and incentives. Here are some of the best. 

  • Bring fitness to the office – When you bring the exercise to them, they’re more likely to do it. Invite a fitness specialist into the office and get your employees moving. 
  • Lunchtime yoga – Improve the flexibility of your employees by putting on a yoga session through lunch. When employees have an hour for their break, they may sit there swiping or scrolling to pass the time. Make this the new norm and your employees will be grateful. 
  • Offer discounted gym memberships – A gym is a great place for your employees to do cardio as well as strength and conditioning training. It can however be expensive for your workers. Reduce this cost with employee discounts and they’ll flock to the gym. 
  • Encourage stair usage – If your office is in a tall building then taking the stairs will be a workout in itself. Encourage your staff to take the stairs more and cut electricity costs whilst you’re at it. 

What happens if they get injured? 

Unfortunately, with exercise comes injury so make sure you support your employees if they are suffering. Offer them emotional support and be flexible. Allow them to work from home if they cannot make it into the office. Once they’re feeling better, inform them on how to make a claim if this happened in their gym for example. 

Faheem Haydar
Faheem Haydar
Faheem Haydar is a serial entrepreneur, investor, author, and digital marketing expert who has founded multiple successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development, e-commerce, content marketing, and more. He is the founder and CEO of Dealzmag, a full-service digital media agency that is an expert in Paid Search, content marketing, Social Marketing, Video, SEO, and Amazon.

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