Thursday, May 2, 2024

Maintaining Your kitchen decor with Ido Fishman – Effective Organizing Hacks

Once you become a kitchen owner, you realize that kitchen decor work never really ends. Even if you order take-out or have dinner at a restaurant, your kitchen will always be a mess. Unless you have a full-time helper, your kitchen cannot remain spotless for more than an hour at max. Many suggest that scheduling days every week to deep clean the kitchen decor can help ease off the workload. But what happens when you miss one day? You have to suffer through the whole week with an extra messy kitchen. So, is there a way to keep your kitchen tidy at all times?

Ido Fishman says that there is. The only thing is that you need to be willing to put in the extra effort in the beginning for it to become a smooth sailing task. The culinary expert states that you need to put in some extra efforts at least once a month to maintain an organized kitchen.

Keeping Your Kitchen Decor In a smart way


One of the best ways to keep your kitchen organized is to compartmentalize every available space that you have. This means that whether it’s the cabinets, drawers, or shelves, you should allot compartments for different things. Now, one thing you should remember is to not be hasty during your everyday cleaning. So, if you’ve made a separate compartment for pots and lids, don’t mix and match them out of laziness.

Keeping things in their designated places protects you from a lot of unnecessary messes that overload your kitchen. So, put labels on different compartments to remind yourself of what goes in which compartment. Using this method is the best way to keep your kitchen decor in a smart way.

Invest in hooks

Hooks are a great way to save space on drawers and countertops. You can hang your everyday pans, cooking spoons, strainers, and so many other things on such hooks. It allows you to keep your drawers and cabinets from messing up by limiting your access to them. Moreover, you can also hand your most-used spices in a container on such hooks, thus keeping you from messing up your spice shelf by rushing to find the right spices while cooking. It is also easier to put things in place when they are stored in open spaces.

Keep sharp your knives.

“Dull knives cause cutting hands.” Your knives must be sharp! After researching what knives you ought to have in your kitchen, take them anywhere like Sur La Table or another kitchen decor/cookware shop nearby whenever you would like a sharpen. Or, consider investing during a sharpener in order that you’ll roll in the hay yourself reception.

Tension Rods and Sliding Prep Stations

If you don’t have enough counter space to place your cutting board, then you should really consider installing a tension rod. These rods are placed over the sink which makes the perfect spot to place your cutting board. It will also cut down your cleaning time as all the juices and trash will fall in the sink instead of on the floor or counters.

Sliding prep stations are also a great way to work in limited kitchen decor space and they also provide you a space to store things. You can simply install a sliding prep station under any table or shelf in your kitchen. All you will need to do if you need more working space is to slide the station out and carry on.  Tension rods and sliding stations are a great way to make your kitchen decor more work-friendly.

Vertical Pan Storage

This is yet another great tip that will make sure that you don’t mess up your storage cabinets. If you’ve been stacking your pots and pans on top of each other, you will know how much of a hassle it is to get to the pot right at the bottom of the stack. The best way to work is to work smart, not hard. Following this motto, Fishman advises you to store your pots and pans vertically instead of stacking them. In a bookshelf kind of way, you can browse through your pans, take them out easily, and just as easily place them back in their designated spot.

Utilize Wall Space

Oftentimes, we don’t see the potential of the wall space that our kitchen has. You can save so many cluttering issues if you just utilize the blank wall space of your kitchen decor. A large portion of your drawers, cabinets, and shelves can be utilized for other things if you just use your walls for storage.

There are many ways in which you can use your wall space. For instance, you can install a magnetic bar to hold all your knives on the wall, not only will it empty a portion of drawers, but it will also make it easy to access your tools. You will find many creative ideas for using wall space in your kitchen.

Keeping Your Kitchen Clean

Your kitchen decor needs to be the cleanest place in your house because that is where you cook, store and eat your food. So, it would make sense to keep the area clean. Many of us find it quite difficult to clean the kitchen on a daily basis, which leads to a lot of buildup of grease and stains everywhere. The cleanliness of your kitchen plays a huge role in how organized it is.

Ido Fishman recommends that you should put a kitchen cleaning planner in your kitchen to remind you of what you need to do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Ido Fishman also highlights the importance of giving yourself some slack-off room. So, don’t stress if you didn’t manage to achieve your daily or weekly cleaning goals of cleaning your kitchen. Make maintaining your kitchen an enjoyable task so that you don’t see it as a chore.

Have fun and be creative

Most importantly, celebrate while you’re cooking and obtain creativity! If you’re employing a recipe, try adding your own spin. Or, attempt to create something completely out of your temperature. Use the materials that you simply have right and are in your kitchen and check out to form a number of them. the choices are endless. Hopefully, you’ll feel a touch inspired after reading the following pointers and are walking towards your kitchen to undertake something immediately.


Sometimes our busy life caters up to us and leaves little to no time to maintain our houses. The most affected place is the kitchen because it is used multiple times a day by many individuals. At the end of a busy week, you may find yourself with an extremely messy kitchen. At such times, Ido Fishman said it is best to put on some good music, find your happy place, and start fixing your kitchen one step at a time.

You should try out a different organization and cleaning hacks to make your kitchen a better working place. If you are a crafty person, then you can take these hacks as little DIY projects.

Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.

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