Sunday, April 28, 2024

Split Test Your Videos and Monitor Performance with Adilo Video Cloud

Videos are an integral part of digital marketing, and it helps in generating leads and conversions. Digital marketers and business owners believe that they know what their target audience wants. For example, suppose a business owner is running an apparel business. In that case, he’ll automatically believe that his audience wants to see videos related to clothes. So, they’ll record videos related to their business, and the viola video is live.

Yes, the audience wants to see videos related to your business, but that’s not the case always. When someone thinks he knows everything and starts making videos, it’s like shooting in the dark. When you think you know everything the result, you’ll get is lower performing videos.

In this article, we’ll talk about split testing your videos and monitoring their performance with the Adilo cloud. Split testing or experimenting with your videos before uploading helps your video perform better. So, let’s get started!

Introduction – Audio Video Cloud

Adilo video cloud is a US-based video hosting service providing hosting services with affordable price plans. You’ll get unlimited video hosting on all the premium plans with tons of fantastic features.

Adilo Video Experimentation Engine

As discussed above, experimenting video is better instead of shooting in the dark. Adilo video cloud gives you an excellent feature that allows you to experiment with your videos and monitor their performance. Here’s how the Adilo experiment engine works.

Test Thumbnails

The thumbnail of your video plays a significant role in the performance of your video. If your thumbnail is attractive, the viewer will click and watch the video; if your thumbnail is unattractive viewer will probably skip your video.

Adilo video experimentation engine solves the problem for you because it allows you to test your thumbnail. You can try different thumbnails, or an image vs. video thumbnail and experimentation engine will tell you which thumbnail will get the higher play rate.

Test Video

Once you have the thumbnail ready, now it’s time to test the full video and see how it performs before you launch your marketing campaign. Adilo video experimentation engine will identify the video that has the potential for generating more sales. Moreover, you can test as many videos as you want.

Automated Campaigns

The experimentation engine can also run the automated marketing campaigns in the background. It will automatically select the best video/thumbnail so that you don’t have to lose any business while experimenting. Moreover, you can split test everything like link clicks, lead captures, play rates, engagement, average view duration, etc.

You can embed your experiments anywhere you want; experiments will run smoothly in the background without interrupting your audience. Performance monitor delivers video analytics. It gives you useful data such as views, play rate, impressions, link clicks, email capture, average view duration, etc. All this data helps you make data-driven decisions like making changes in the video, making changes in the text, changing CTA’s, etc. In the end, you’ll get better performing videos that would upsell your business.

Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.

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