Monday, May 6, 2024

Tooth Whitening Products for Kids: Is it Safe?

Are you considering whitening your child’s teeth? With an overwhelming number of both over-the-counter (OTC) and professional tooth whitening products readily available, it can be hard to know which one is best for your child. And more importantly, is it safe? Before investing in a product, knowing the facts about what risks are involved and how to use the treatments effectively can help set children up for long-term success with their oral health. Our blog post will provide all the useful information parents need to make this important decision confidently.

Are Whitening Products Safe For Children?

If you are a parent, you would want to know how to take care of your kid. This includes their overall health and well-being. As we all want them to achieve a high quality of life, we can start by ensuring that their pearly whites are being taken care of.

Whitening products can be an effective way to brighten and even out your child’s teeth, however, it is important to take caution when using these products for children. While the active ingredients in whitening products are generally considered safe for adult use, it is recommended that children under the age of 16 avoid any over-the-counter whitening product. This recommendation comes from general safety concerns as well as potential health and developmental risks.

While some research has indicated that bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide may not have lasting effects on developing teeth, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid any exposure until more research can better inform us about potential long-term consequences. In addition, many nonprofessional whitening treatments contain significant amounts of acid which can irritate sensitive mouths and may even result in burns or inflammation if left on too long.

It’s also worth noting that tooth discoloration caused by normal development during childhood often improves with time—so having patience is key! Professional dental cleaning followed by professionally applied whitening agents (such as those used in dental offices) may be a safer option for younger patients who wish to brighten their smile without putting their oral health at risk.

Need a Pediatric Dentist in Falls Church, VA?

There are conditions in which whitening is safe for young people; however, extreme caution and vigilance are warranted. Unless there are specific circumstances to think about, you should wait until your child is in their mid-teens at the earliest. That’s why we recommend it’s best to avoid over-the-counter drugs that could be harmful if used improperly or for too long.

If you need a pediatric dentist in Falls Church, VA, be sure to consult with Junior Smiles of Stafford.

Side Effects of Teeth Whitening

Both the ADA and the AAP recommend waiting until all of a child’s permanent teeth have come in before beginning whitening procedures. This is typically between the ages of 13 and 15. We occasionally considered whitening at a young age because of certain circumstances. Certain youngsters, for instance, are more prone to staining, while braces, illness, and injury can all leave visible discoloration. If they have been teased or feel uncomfortable around new people because of the way their teeth look, they may develop negative feelings toward smiling. Our doctors will sit down with the patient and their guardians to review all of their treatment choices and help them choose the best course of action.

Teeth Sensitivity

One of the most frequently reported negative effects of teeth whitening is increased sensitivity. Improper whitening procedures or a compromised patient’s enamel can also contribute to this. When getting your teeth whitened, it’s preferable to have it done in a dentist’s office so that the bleaching agent can be applied by a trained professional and the danger of sensitivity is reduced as much as possible before and after the procedure. To lessen the likelihood of sensitivity, dentists may suggest pre-whitening procedures. If a patient has cavities, the dentist can suggest treating them first, then whitening them.

Soft Tissue Irritation

Tooth whitening carries with it several hazards, one of which is a chemical burn. Soft tissues, such as your gums and oral mucosa, can be irritated by the solution, becoming exposed and feeling rough or sore for days afterward.

Furthermore, the powerful whitening chemical will instantly whiten your gums. This is especially true if you’re using the same kind of whitening solution dentists and cosmetic dentists do. Nonetheless, teeth whitening treatments cause minimal discomfort, and exposed soft tissue quickly returns to normal following use. Patients were concerned that their gums would be visible after treatment with hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

Long-term use of tooth whitening gels or solutions can potentially irritate the gums, leading to swelling, redness, and even inflammation. Tooth-bleaching substances can irritate the gums, which can cause bleeding and pain in extreme situations.

User Error

Many children under 16 shouldn’t use at-home whitening treatments and should never use them unsupervised if they do. Too much or improper usage of a whitening product might exacerbate its negative effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used in both professional and over-the-counter whitening solutions. The distinction between professional products aimed at adults and those aimed at children typically lies in the concentration level of the peroxide used in each. Professional treatments are available both in-office and with take-home trays made specifically for your teeth. Hydrogen peroxide concentrations in over-the-counter gels and strips are often lower than concentrations used in medical treatments. Patients must apply them themselves, and they don’t work as quickly as medical therapies.

Are Whitening Procedures More Suitable for Adults?

Whitening products available at the drug store are typically made with an adult audience in mind, which means they could be too strong for usage by children. The enamel and dentin of a child’s teeth are more porous and thinner than those of an adult, thus teeth whitening treatments must be used with caution or risk damaging the teeth. Causes sensitivity in teeth and gums. Discuss appropriate products with your dentist and use them as directed if you decide to whiten your child’s teeth.

Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.

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